At the US Embassy

29 юни 2009

An Arab was interviewed at the US Embassy for a Visa

Consul:  What is your name?
Arab:  Abdul Aziz
Consul:  Sex?
Arab:  Six to ten times a week
Consul:  I mean, male or female?
Arab:  Both male and female and sometimes even camels
Consul:  Holy cow!
Arab:  Yes, cows and dogs too!!!
Consul:  Man,….. isn’t it hostile?
Arab:  Horse style, dog style, any style
Consul:  Oh……. dear!
Arab:  Deer? No deer, they run too fast!
Consul:  Oh……. God!
Arab:  Ya, I know it’s Good ..for the health
Consul:  Guards, take him out
Arab:  Guard is ok. But sir, I always do in not out
Consul:  Get.. Out
Arab:  Ok.. I will take it out. But sir, you need here only…

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